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MR / Schenectady, NY.Yates Arts-in-Education Magnet School (urban elementary school) .Grade 4.Boys (9, one is a special education student) listen as teacher talks to students about upcoming Elementary-Level State Assessments for Grade 4; practice booklets for the math test are on students' desks. Teacher stresses importance of working hard as well as attempts to reduce anxiety over their first major testing hurdle, as 4th grade is the first year students take NYS standardized tests and will take Elementary-Level State Assessments for Grade 4 Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Science. .Boy left: bi-racial, West-Indian-American and Caucasian, Aspergers Syndrome.  He is a mainstreamed special education student and will take the same tests as the rest of his classmates. Paper under his left elbow is his "to do" list, an important aid to his accommodation to a regular classroom. Because he is visually-oriented, the list helps him keep on track. It  enables him to expect and adjust more easily to changes of activities, something which his condition makes difficult for him, and it lets him know what is expected of him throughout the day.  .MR:  Duc6   Rom4.©Ellen B. Senisi