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MR / Schenectady, NY.Yates Arts-in-Education Magnet School (urban elementary school) .Grade 4 .Students in class review session for math standardized test with math resource teacher using overhead projector..New York State fourth grade students are evaluated in 3 subjects (math, language arts, science) statewide. (They are also evaluated in early fifth grade on social studies material learned in fourth grade.) Results of State Assessments are used to prepare Report Cards on the effectiveness of individual schools and of school districts. A "failing" school can be put on probation and, if it does not improve, have its state aid taken away. Exams are graded 1 through 4; 1 is a failing grade, 2 indicates the student is "at risk ". Unfunded mandate requires schools to provide AIS (Academic Intervention Services) to at-risk students..MR: g4m Meo1.©Ellen B. Senisi
©Ellen B. Senisi