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MR / Schenectady, NY.Yates Arts-in-Education Magnet School (urban elementary school).Grade 4.Veteran, tenured classroom teacher at voluntary after-school review session for upcoming standardized test in math using test preparation booklets with fourth grade students..New York State fourth grade students are evaluated statewide in 4 subjects (math, language arts, science, and social studies [although the social studies test is administered at the beginning of fifth grade]. The results are used to prepare New York State School Report Cards on the effectiveness of schools. A "failing" school can be put on probation and, if it does not improve, have its state aid taken away. The pressure on fourth grade teachers is high, hence there is an ever-increasing shortage. Districts attempt to place their best-performing elementary teachers at this level (such as the one pictured here who was asked if she would like to switch to fourth grade this year) but if unsuccessful often have to settle for inexperienced, newly-hired teachers at this level, putting them at risk of scoring low on state report cards..MR: Mon12.© Ellen B. Senisi
©Ellen B. Senisi